The 10 Best Air Purifying Plants for Your Home

The quality of the indoor air you breathe can make a difference in your overall health and well being. If you’re suffering from asthma or have allergies, having clean and purified air will help ease discomfort and difficulties.

According to scientists, adding indoor plants to your home can help make the air around your living space cleaner by detoxifying the air. That means adding air-purifying houseplants contribute to making indoor air cleaner. NASA’s Clean Air Study proves that numerous air-purifying plants can effectively detoxify your house from dust, germs, and other airborne toxins present in various household furnishings, materials, and other products. Aside from the air-boosting benefits, these indoor houseplants also exhibit several health benefits that you can achieve by adding modest foliage in your living space. 

To help you turn your home into a healthier environment and give you a breath of fresh air, here are our top ten best air-purifying plants and where you should place them. 

  1. Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum morifolium)

Chrysanthemum is commonly known as “mums” and is the top choice for air purification. You can brighten up your living room or kitchen area with this lovely flower. They can eliminate common toxins, including ammonia, which is often present in plastic, glue, and detergents. Treat yourself to a fresh pot of this houseplant, as this flower’s lifespan only lasts for up to six weeks. 

Plant Care: Always check the Chrysanthemum’s soil to see if it is moist every other day, ensure that its soil is always damp. It also loves sunlight, so make sure to place it in a spot near a window. 

  1. Spider Plants (Chlorophytum comosum)

For those who are relatively new in taking care of houseplants, the spider plant is the ideal option. There are over 200 species and subspecies of spider plants, and most of them can survive for long periods, even if we do not take constant care. You can place this lovely houseplant inside hanging baskets around your workspace or kitchen. They can eliminate toxins, including CO (Carbon Monoxide) and xylene, which are often present in rubber materials. 

Plant Care: This houseplant is resilient and does not require constant care. You can water your spider plants up to three times a week. 

  1. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

You can quickly grow this perennial vine, and it can adapt to indoor conditions fast. They can eliminate airborne fecal particles that make it the perfect air purifier for your bathrooms. It can also combat mold inside your living space. 

Plant Care: During its growth phase, make sure to water it generously and expose it to direct sunlight for at least 4 hours daily. Never overwater during winter. 

  1. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

This evergreen perennial is native to the lush tropical forests in Asia. You can place it anywhere in your living space to make it livelier with this houseplant’s vibrant colors. They eliminate benzene and formaldehyde, which are often present in cosmetic products and detergents. 

Plant Care: Ensure you water the plant moderately and place it inside a low-lit and humid environment, which means the bathroom is the best place for these plants. However, if you want to put it somewhere else, you can mist the leaves to prevent browning. 

  1. Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina)

This ficus is a tree that is native to Southeast Asia and Australia. The Weeping Fig is an ideal choice for newbies in taking care of houseplants as it only requires minimal maintenance. They eliminate formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, which are often present in rubber materials and cosmetic products. 

Plant Care: Place them in bright and indirect light away from drafts. It can detoxify the air in your living space for years to come. 

  1. Rubber Plants (Ficus elastica)

This houseplant is native to India. This plant forms unusual shapes that can brighten up your homes with vibrant green leaves. They eliminate formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and trichloroethylene, which are present in printed products and rubber products.

Plant Care: This houseplant only requires your attention now and then. Place it under filtered light to allow it to purify your home for several years. 

  1. Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

If you have a hard time sleeping during the night, the snake plant is the best natural remedy as its yellow-tipped succulent releases oxygen during the night. It helps you breathe better while sleeping. They eliminate formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toluene, and trichloroethylene.

Plant Care: Do not overwater the snake plant as its roots are prone to rot in damp soil. 

  1. Barberton Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)

This flower is the best choice for individuals looking for air-purifying houseplants that are vibrant in color. These colorful plants can brighten any room in your home. They eliminate formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene, which are commonly present in paint and synthetic fibers. 

Plant Care: Make sure to check the plant now and then as it requires its soil to be moist but ensure that it is well-drained as its roots are prone to rotting. Place the daisy in an area where there is plenty of natural light. 

  1. Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

This resilient plant is ideal for busy individuals as it can flourish in various conditions and does not need constant care. You can place it around your windows as it can grow up to 8 feet long. They eliminate common toxins, such as formaldehyde and benzene. 

Plant Care: Since the houseplant can grow up to 8 feet long, you have to trim its tendrils when it gets too big for your home. Only water the plant when the soil becomes completely dry. 

  1. Bamboo Palms (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

Bamboo is known to be sturdy, providing you with cleaner air for years to come. Bamboo palms provide your humble abode with a healthy dose of moisture in the air, making it a perfect plant during winter months. They eliminate formaldehyde, chloroform, benzene, carbon monoxide, and xylene. 

Plant Care: Keep its soil damp and place the bamboo palms in an area where air can freely circulate. Mist the houseplant occasionally to prevent spider mites. 

Why Does Indoor Air Quality Matter?

According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 90 percent of individuals spend their time indoors. That time spent inside our homes exposes us to indoor air pollution caused by carpet, furnishings, synthetic building materials, bacteria, mold, and more. For instance, paint releases VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), which can cause nausea and headaches. To avoid having these side effects, you have to ensure the overall air quality inside your living space. You can improve the air quality of your home by having air-purifying plants. It can reduce the levels of carbon dioxide inside your house and increase relative humidity.

Now that you know some of the best air-purifying plants, you can start making your home into a cleaner environment. Get your air-purifying house plant today for healthier and fresher air for your family.